Gambia college latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Gambia College:

Academic News

  1. New Academic Calendar: The Gambia College has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic year. The calendar outlines the start and end dates for each semester, as well as important deadlines for course registration and exams.
  2. New Programmes: The college has introduced new programmes in areas such as Nursing, Midwifery, and Public Health. These programmes are designed to address the country's healthcare needs and provide students with practical skills and knowledge.
  3. Student Enrollment: The college has announced an increase in student enrollment for the 2022/2023 academic year. This is attributed to the college's efforts to improve its infrastructure and academic programmes.

Infrastructure Development

  1. New Library: The Gambia College has opened a new state-of-the-art library on its campus. The library is equipped with modern facilities and resources, including e-books, online journals, and computers.
  2. New Hostels: The college has constructed new hostels to accommodate its increasing student population. The hostels are equipped with modern amenities, including Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and security cameras.
  3. Renovated Classrooms: The college has renovated several classrooms to improve the learning environment for students. The renovated classrooms are equipped with modern teaching aids, including interactive whiteboards and projectors.

Community Engagement

  1. Community Outreach: The Gambia College has launched a community outreach programme aimed at promoting education and healthcare in rural areas. The programme involves students and staff from the college working with local communities to provide health services and educational support.
  2. Partnership with Local Organizations: The college has partnered with local organizations to provide training and capacity-building programmes for community leaders and healthcare workers. These programmes aim to improve healthcare services and promote community development.

Awards and Recognition

  1. Best College in The Gambia: The Gambia College has been recognized as the best college in The Gambia by the National Accreditation Council of The Gambia. This recognition is a testament to the college's commitment to providing high-quality education and training.
  2. International Partnerships: The college has established partnerships with international institutions to provide students with opportunities for exchange programmes, research collaborations, and scholarships.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the Gambia College. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the college's website or social media pages for the latest information.