Gallup news piece

Here is a sample news piece from Gallup:

Gallup Poll: Americans' Trust in Institutions Hits New Low

Washington, D.C. - A new Gallup poll released today reveals that Americans' trust in institutions has reached an all-time low. The poll found that only 32% of Americans have a great deal or a lot of confidence in the federal government, while 67% have little or no confidence.

The poll also found that trust in other institutions, such as the media, banks, and big business, has also declined significantly. Only 41% of Americans have a great deal or a lot of confidence in the media, while 55% have little or no confidence. Similarly, only 34% of Americans have a great deal or a lot of confidence in banks, while 61% have little or no confidence.

The poll also found that trust in institutions varies significantly across different demographic groups. For example, younger Americans (ages 18-29) are more likely to have little or no confidence in institutions than older Americans (ages 65 and older). Additionally, Americans with lower levels of education are more likely to have little or no confidence in institutions than those with higher levels of education.

The poll was conducted from June 1-13, 2022, and surveyed 1,020 adults in the United States. The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points.


This Gallup poll was conducted by telephone from June 1-13, 2022, with a random sample of 1,020 adults in the United States. The sample was selected using a multi-stage random sampling design, with a target of 1,020 completed interviews. The sample was weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by age, sex, race, and geographic region. The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points.


Demographic Breakdown


The results of this Gallup poll suggest that Americans' trust in institutions has reached an all-time low. The decline in trust is widespread, with significant declines in trust across different demographic groups. The findings of this poll have important implications for policymakers, business leaders, and other stakeholders who rely on public trust to achieve their goals.