Gallant new album

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Gallant, whose real name is Christopher Gallant, is an American singer-songwriter and musician. He has released several albums and EPs, and has gained a reputation for his soulful, introspective, and emotionally charged music.

Here are some details about his latest album:

Album: "Neon Cemetery" Release Date: October 2020 Label: Counter Records

"Neon Cemetery" is Gallant's third studio album, and it marks a new chapter in his musical journey. The album explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, with Gallant's signature blend of R&B, indie rock, and electronic elements.

The album has received critical acclaim, with many praising Gallant's introspective lyrics, soaring vocals, and genre-bending sound. If you're a fan of artists like James Blake, Sam Smith, or Frank Ocean, you might enjoy Gallant's music.

Some standout tracks from the album include:

Give "Neon Cemetery" a listen and see what you think!