Gab com news

Here are the latest news and updates from

Top Stories

  1. Gab CEO Andrew Torba: "We're not going anywhere": In a recent interview, Gab CEO Andrew Torba reaffirmed the platform's commitment to free speech and its determination to continue operating despite efforts to silence it.
  2. Gab's user base grows despite censorship: Despite being banned from several major payment processors and facing intense scrutiny, Gab's user base has continued to grow, with the platform now boasting over 1 million registered users.
  3. Gab launches new features to promote free speech: Gab has introduced several new features aimed at promoting free speech and protecting its users from censorship, including a new "Free Speech" section on the platform.

Recent Posts

  1. "The War on Free Speech": A recent post by Gab user @FreeSpeechWarrior highlights the growing threat to free speech online and the importance of platforms like Gab in protecting this fundamental right.
  2. "Censorship is a form of violence": In a powerful post, Gab user @TruthSeeker argues that censorship is a form of violence that can have devastating consequences for individuals and society as a whole.
  3. "The importance of online communities": Gab user @CommunityBuilder discusses the importance of online communities like Gab in providing a space for people to connect, share ideas, and build relationships.

Gab's Response to Censorship

Gab has been at the forefront of the fight against censorship online, with CEO Andrew Torba frequently speaking out against efforts to silence and suppress free speech. In a recent statement, Torba said:

"We will not be silenced. We will not be censored. We will not be intimidated. We will continue to fight for the right to free speech and the right to express ourselves without fear of persecution or retaliation."

Get Involved

If you're interested in joining the Gab community and supporting the fight for free speech, you can sign up for a free account on the platform. You can also follow Gab on social media and stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the platform.