G15 news

G15 News!

G15 is a group of 15 of the largest and most influential housing associations in the UK. They work together to promote and improve the social housing sector, and to provide a collective voice for their members.

Here are some recent news stories from G15:

Housing associations call for urgent action on homelessness

G15 has called on the government to take urgent action to address the growing homelessness crisis in the UK. In a letter to the Chancellor, the group urged the government to increase funding for homelessness services and to provide more support for people who are struggling to access affordable housing.

G15 launches new report on social housing

G15 has launched a new report on the state of social housing in the UK. The report, titled "State of Social Housing", highlights the challenges facing the sector, including a shortage of affordable housing, rising rents, and increasing homelessness. The report also sets out a vision for the future of social housing, including a focus on building more homes, improving services, and promoting community engagement.

G15 welcomes new members

G15 has welcomed two new members to the group: Clarion Housing Group and Peabody. The two organizations join the existing 13 members of G15, which includes some of the largest and most influential housing associations in the UK.

G15 calls for more investment in social housing

G15 has called on the government to increase investment in social housing, in order to address the growing housing crisis in the UK. The group argues that more investment is needed to build more homes, improve existing stock, and provide support for people who are struggling to access affordable housing.

These are just a few of the latest news stories from G15. If you're interested in learning more about the group and its work, I'd be happy to help!