Futo news on strike

FUTO (Federal University of Technology, Owerri) is currently on strike. Here are some updates:

Reason for the strike:

The strike was called by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) FUTO chapter due to the failure of the university management to address some key issues, including:

  1. Non-payment of salaries and allowances to staff members
  2. Non-implementation of the 2019 ASUU-FUTO agreement
  3. Poor working conditions and infrastructure
  4. Lack of transparency in the university's financial dealings

Duration of the strike:

The strike began on February 14, 2023, and is expected to continue until the university management addresses the concerns raised by ASUU FUTO.

Impact on students:

The strike has resulted in the suspension of academic activities, including lectures, exams, and other academic programs. Students are advised to stay away from campus until the strike is called off.

Latest updates:

As of March 10, 2023, the strike is still ongoing, and there is no indication of when it will be called off. The university management and ASUU FUTO are still engaged in negotiations to resolve the issues.

What students can do:

In the meantime, students are advised to:

  1. Monitor the university's website and social media channels for updates on the strike.
  2. Stay away from campus to avoid any inconvenience or disruption.
  3. Continue with their studies and assignments remotely, if possible.
  4. Keep in touch with their lecturers and course coordinators for guidance and support.

Please note that the situation is subject to change, and students should stay informed through official channels for the latest updates.