Futo news

Futo News!

Futo is a popular Nigerian university, and I'm assuming you're looking for news related to the institution. Here are some recent updates:

Academic News

  1. Futo Admission List: The management of Federal University of Technology, Owerri (Futo) has released the admission list for the 2022/2023 academic session. Candidates can check their admission status on the university's website.
  2. Futo Post-UTME Result: The results of the Futo Post-UTME screening exercise for the 2022/2023 academic session have been released. Candidates can check their results on the university's website.

Campus News

  1. Futo Students Protest: Students of Futo have protested against the hike in school fees, demanding a reduction in the fees. The protest has led to a closure of the university's gates, and students are calling for the government to intervene.
  2. Futo Alumni Association: The Futo Alumni Association has been launched, with the aim of promoting unity and cooperation among alumni. The association will also provide support to current students and staff of the university.

Research News

  1. Futo Researchers Discover New Species: A team of researchers from Futo has discovered a new species of plant in the university's botanical garden. The discovery is expected to have significant implications for the field of botany and medicine.
  2. Futo Partners with International University: Futo has partnered with a leading international university to collaborate on research projects in the fields of engineering and technology. The partnership is expected to lead to the development of innovative solutions to global challenges.

These are just a few of the latest news updates from Futo. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you with that!