Futo latest news on strike

I'm assuming you're referring to the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria. Here are some of the latest updates:

Latest News:

  1. ASUU Strike Enters 12th Week: The strike by ASUU, which began on February 14, 2022, has entered its 12th week, with no end in sight. The union is demanding improved funding for public universities, better working conditions, and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  2. FG and ASUU Meet Again: The Federal Government and ASUU held another meeting on March 28, 2023, to discuss the ongoing strike. While the meeting was described as "fruitful," no concrete agreement was reached, and the strike continues.
  3. Students Protest: Students from various universities across Nigeria have been protesting the strike, calling on the government to resolve the issue and reopen their institutions. Some students have also been arrested by security agents while protesting.
  4. Lecturers' Union Threatens Strike: The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) has threatened to go on strike if the government fails to address their demands, which include improved funding and better working conditions.
  5. International Community Intervenes: The international community, including the United Nations, has called on the Nigerian government to resolve the strike and ensure that students are allowed to return to their institutions.

Key Demands:

  1. Improved Funding: ASUU is demanding improved funding for public universities, which it claims has been inadequate for years.
  2. Implementation of 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement: The union is demanding the implementation of the 2009 agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.
  3. Better Working Conditions: ASUU is demanding better working conditions, including improved infrastructure, better welfare packages, and a more conducive academic environment.
  4. Visitation Panels: The union is demanding the establishment of visitation panels to oversee the management of universities and ensure accountability.

Next Steps:

  1. Another Meeting Scheduled: The Federal Government and ASUU have scheduled another meeting for April 4, 2023, to discuss the ongoing strike.
  2. Students' Protest Continues: Students are expected to continue protesting the strike, calling on the government to resolve the issue and reopen their institutions.
  3. Lecturers' Union Strike: SSANU may go on strike if its demands are not met, which could further exacerbate the situation.

Please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and updates may be available on various news outlets and social media platforms.