Fut minna orders withdrawal of 20 students #comments

Here are some possible comments:

Student 1: "What's going on? I just got an email saying I've been withdrawn from the program"

Student 2: "This is crazy! I was really looking forward to continuing my studies here"

Student 3: "I'm so confused. Can someone please explain why we're being withdrawn?"

Student 4: "I'm really disappointed. I was doing well in the program and didn't expect this"

Student 5: "Is this because of the recent changes in the curriculum? I thought we were supposed to adapt to the new system"

Student 6: "I'm going to miss my friends and professors here. This is really tough news to hear"

Student 7: "Can we appeal the decision or is it final?"

Student 8: "I'm going to have to start looking for new programs now. This is a huge setback"

Student 9: "I'm really upset about this. I was really enjoying my time here and was looking forward to graduating"

Student 10: "Is there anyone who can provide more information about why we're being withdrawn? This is really unclear"

Please note that these comments are just examples and may not reflect the actual reactions of students in a real-life situation.