Fuoye strike news

You're referring to the ongoing strike by the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) students!

Here are some recent updates on the strike:

Latest News:

  1. FUOYE Students Continue Strike: Despite efforts by the university management to resolve the issues, the students have refused to call off the strike, citing the university's failure to meet their demands.
  2. Demands Unmet: The students are demanding the implementation of the 2013 ASUU agreement, the payment of outstanding allowances, and the improvement of infrastructure on campus.
  3. Lectures Suspended: The strike has led to the suspension of lectures, and students are not attending classes until their demands are met.


The strike began on February 14, 2023, after the students' union protested the university's failure to meet their demands. The strike has been ongoing for several weeks, with no end in sight.


  1. University Management: The university management has appealed to the students to call off the strike, promising to address their concerns. However, the students are skeptical about the management's commitment to resolving the issues.
  2. ASUU: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has expressed support for the FUOYE students, urging the university management to meet their demands.

What's Next:

The strike is likely to continue until the university management meets the students' demands. The students are determined to push for their rights, and the strike may continue for an extended period if their demands are not met.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!