Fuoye school fees news deadline

You're looking for information on the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) school fees news and deadline!

Here's what I found:

FUOYE School Fees

The Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) school fees for the 2022/2023 academic session have been announced. The fees are as follows:

FUOYE School Fees Payment Deadline

The deadline for payment of FUOYE school fees is as follows:

FUOYE School Fees Payment Procedure

To pay your FUOYE school fees, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your JAMB profile and accept your admission offer.
  2. Generate a payment invoice from the university's portal.
  3. Pay the fees using the invoice number and your JAMB registration number.
  4. Upload your payment receipt to the university's portal.

FUOYE School Fees Payment Channels

You can pay your FUOYE school fees using the following channels:

FUOYE School Fees Payment Penalty

Late payment of FUOYE school fees attracts a penalty of N5,000. Therefore, it's essential to pay your fees on time to avoid any penalties.

FUOYE School Fees Payment Office

For any issues or concerns regarding FUOYE school fees payment, you can contact the university's Bursary Department or visit the school's website for more information.

I hope this information helps!