Fuoye putme news

You're looking for news about the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE). Here are some recent updates:

Latest News

  1. FUOYE Resumes Academic Activities: The university has resumed academic activities after the Christmas break. Students are expected to return to campus and resume their studies.
  2. FUOYE Announces New Vice-Chancellor: The university has appointed a new Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kayode Soremekun. He takes over from the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Professor Abraham Ayeni.
  3. FUOYE Students Protest Over Poor Infrastructure: Students of the university have protested over the poor state of infrastructure on campus, including inadequate power supply, poor water supply, and dilapidated buildings.
  4. FUOYE Partners with International University: The university has partnered with the University of Ghana to promote academic collaboration and exchange programs between the two institutions.
  5. FUOYE Alumni Association Holds Annual Conference: The FUOYE Alumni Association has held its annual conference, where alumni and stakeholders discussed ways to improve the university and promote its development.

Recent Events

  1. FUOYE Convocation Ceremony: The university held its convocation ceremony, where graduates were awarded their degrees and diplomas.
  2. FUOYE Sports Festival: The university hosted its annual sports festival, which featured various sports competitions and games.
  3. FUOYE Cultural Day: The university celebrated its cultural day, which showcased the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria and the university's diversity.

Upcoming Events

  1. FUOYE Matriculation Ceremony: The university will hold its matriculation ceremony for new students, where they will be officially welcomed to the university.
  2. FUOYE Research Conference: The university will host a research conference, where academics and researchers will present their papers and discuss the latest developments in their fields.

Please note that these are just some of the recent news and updates about FUOYE. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking the university's official website or social media channels for the latest updates.