Funny words to make news interested to read

Here are some funny words and phrases that can make news more interesting to read:

  1. Zany: Use this word to describe a bizarre or unconventional story. Example: "Zany new trend: people are collecting belly button lint."
  2. Baffling: Use this word to describe a confusing or perplexing story. Example: "Baffling new study: scientists can't explain why cats always land on their feet."
  3. Hilarious: Use this word to describe a funny or amusing story. Example: "Hilarious new meme: cat playing piano goes viral."
  4. Outrageous: Use this word to describe a shocking or unbelievable story. Example: "Outrageous new law: country bans all forms of dancing."
  5. Quirky: Use this word to describe a unique or unusual story. Example: "Quirky new trend: people are collecting antique door knobs."
  6. Silly: Use this word to describe a lighthearted or playful story. Example: "Silly new game: 'Extreme Ironing' becomes a viral sensation."
  7. Wacky: Use this word to describe a bizarre or unconventional story. Example: "Wacky new invention: a toaster that prints out funny messages."
  8. Absurd: Use this word to describe a ridiculous or illogical story. Example: "Absurd new policy: government requires all citizens to wear funny hats."
  9. Whimsical: Use this word to describe a playful or fanciful story. Example: "Whimsical new art installation: giant pink flamingos take over city square."
  10. Ridiculous: Use this word to describe a preposterous or absurd story. Example: "Ridiculous new trend: people are paying thousands of dollars for personalized pet rocks."
  11. Ludicrous: Use this word to describe a foolish or absurd story. Example: "Ludicrous new law: country bans all forms of exercise."
  12. Preposterous: Use this word to describe a ridiculous or absurd story. Example: "Preposterous new study: scientists claim that eating too much cheese can give you superpowers."
  13. Farcical: Use this word to describe a comical or absurd story. Example: "Farcical new scandal: politician caught trying to sneak into country disguised as a chicken."
  14. Outlandish: Use this word to describe a bizarre or unconventional story. Example: "Outlandish new trend: people are collecting vintage typewriters and using them as planters."
  15. Bizarre: Use this word to describe a strange or unusual story. Example: "Bizarre new phenomenon: people are experiencing spontaneous outbreaks of singing and dancing in public."

Remember to use these words in moderation and in context to make your news more engaging and entertaining!