Funny tik tok october 2021 part 1 new clean tiktok

Here are some funny TikTok videos from October 2021 that are new and clean:

1. The "I'm a grown woman" dance A woman is dancing in her living room, singing "I'm a grown woman, I do what I want" when her cat suddenly jumps onto the couch and starts "dancing" with her. (1.4M views)

2. The "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy" A person is lying on the couch, snuggled up with a blanket, and says "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy... for the important things in life, like Netflix and video games." (1.2M views)

3. The "I'm a morning person" parody A person is pretending to be a morning person, singing "I'm a morning person, I love the morning" while still in bed, with a messy room and a snoozed alarm clock. (1.1M views)

4. The "I'm a dog, but I'm also a human" A person is dressed up as a dog, but then suddenly starts acting like a human, doing things like typing on a computer and making coffee. (1M views)

5. The "I'm a master of disguise" A person is wearing a series of ridiculous costumes, from a chicken to a superhero, and pretending to be a master of disguise. (900K views)

6. The "I'm a professional procrastinator" A person is sitting at a desk, surrounded by papers and books, and says "I'm a professional procrastinator... I can put off anything for hours, even if it's just staring at a blank piece of paper." (800K views)

7. The "I'm a time traveler" A person is dressed up as a time traveler, with a time machine and a futuristic outfit, and says "I've traveled back in time to the year 2021... and I'm still stuck in traffic." (700K views)

8. The "I'm a master of the art of doing nothing" A person is sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing, and says "I'm a master of the art of doing nothing... I can spend hours just staring at the wall." (600K views)

These are just a few examples of the many funny TikTok videos from October 2021. I hope you enjoy them!