Funny reactions to baby gender reveals viral video

The joy and surprise of a baby gender reveal! Here are some funny reactions to baby gender reveals that have gone viral:

  1. The "Oh No!" Reaction: A mom-to-be's reaction when she finds out she's having a boy: "Oh no! I was really hoping for a girl!" (Source: YouTube)
  2. The "Surprised and Confused" Face: A dad's reaction when he finds out he's having a girl: "Wait, what? I thought we were having a boy... or a dog?" (Source: Twitter)
  3. The "Overwhelmed" Mom: A mom-to-be's reaction when she finds out she's having twins: "TWIN BOYS?! I think I just passed out!" (Source: Facebook)
  4. The "Sarcastic" Reaction: A dad's reaction when he finds out he's having a girl: "Great, just what I always wanted... a princess." (Source: Reddit)
  5. The "Excited and Emotional" Reaction: A mom-to-be's reaction when she finds out she's having a boy: "OH MY GOSH, WE'RE HAVING A BOY! I'M GOING TO BE A MOMMY!" (Source: Instagram)
  6. The "Surprised and Delighted" Reaction: A couple's reaction when they find out they're having triplets: "TRIPLETS?! WE'RE GOING TO NEED A BIGGER HOUSE!" (Source: YouTube)
  7. The "Hilarious" Reaction: A dad's reaction when he finds out he's having a girl: "I'M GOING TO HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO DO MY HAIR!" (Source: Twitter)
  8. The "Relieved" Reaction: A mom-to-be's reaction when she finds out she's having a boy: "PHew, I was worried I was going to have to start wearing dresses and doing my hair every day!" (Source: Reddit)
  9. The "Excited and Playful" Reaction: A couple's reaction when they find out they're having a boy: "WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A LITTLE FOOTBALL PLAYER!" (Source: Instagram)
  10. The "Surprised and Amused" Reaction: A mom-to-be's reaction when she finds out she's having a girl: "WELL, I GUESS WE'LL JUST HAVE TO GET USED TO BEING THE ONLY GIRL IN THE HOUSE!" (Source: Facebook)

These reactions are just a few examples of the many hilarious and heartwarming moments captured on camera during baby gender reveals.