Funny questions to ask new parents

The joys of parenthood! Here are some funny questions to ask new parents:

  1. How's the sleep deprivation treating you? (Just kidding, you're probably still trying to figure out how to use the coffee maker.)
  2. What's the most creative way you've used a diaper so far? (Bonus points if it's not for its intended purpose.)
  3. Have you started a "baby's first" collection? (You know, like first poop, first burp, first... um, mess.)
  4. What's the most surprising thing you've learned about your partner since becoming parents? (Like, "I had no idea they could produce so much milk!")
  5. How many times have you Googled "how to change a diaper" today? (No judgment here.)
  6. What's the best way to get your baby to sleep? (Just kidding, you're still trying to figure that out too.)
  7. Have you started a "baby's first" photo album... or a "baby's first" therapy session? (Just kidding, sort of.)
  8. What's the most creative way you've used a pacifier so far? (Like, as a makeshift microphone or a tiny drumstick?)
  9. How many times have you said "I'm not sure what I'm doing" today? (Just a normal day in the life of a new parent, right?)
  10. What's the best way to get your partner to do a load of laundry? (Hint: it involves bribery and/or threats.)
  11. Have you started a "baby's first" playlist? (You know, with lullabies and white noise and... um, elevator music?)
  12. What's the most surprising thing you've learned about your own parenting style? (Like, "I'm a total helicopter parent... or a total free spirit!")
  13. How many times have you used the phrase "I'm just going to go get some fresh air" when you really just need a break? (We've all been there.)
  14. What's the best way to get your baby to eat? (Just kidding, you're still trying to figure out how to get them to eat anything.)
  15. Have you started a "baby's first" journal... or a "baby's first" survival guide? (Just kidding, sort of.)

Remember, these questions are all in good fun! New parents are already dealing with a lot of stress and sleep deprivation, so be sure to offer support and encouragement along with the humor.