Funny news stories 2019

2019 was a wild year for news, and I've got some funny stories to share with you! Here are a few:

  1. The Great Pizza Heist: In January, a group of thieves in Italy stole a 2,000-pound pizza from a restaurant in Rome. The pizza was valued at around $10,000 and was meant to be served at a charity event. The thieves made off with the massive pie, leaving behind a trail of cheese and sauce.
  2. Cat Burglar: In February, a cat in California was caught on camera stealing food from a neighbor's kitchen. The cat, named "Mittens," was seen sneaking into the kitchen and snatching a bag of cat food. The homeowner was amused by the incident and decided to leave the food out for Mittens.
  3. The World's Largest Fart: In March, a man in China set a new record for the world's largest fart. The 24-year-old man, who wished to remain anonymous, let out a 2.5-foot-long fart that was measured by a team of scientists. The record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.
  4. The Great Sock Conspiracy: In April, a group of people in the UK discovered that their missing socks were being stolen by a mysterious entity. The group, known as "The Sock Snatchers," claimed to be responsible for the missing socks and demanded that people stop wearing them. The incident became a viral sensation, with many people sharing their own missing sock stories.
  5. The World's Largest Bubblegum Bubble: In May, a man in the US set a new record for the world's largest bubblegum bubble. The bubble, which measured over 23 feet in diameter, was blown by a team of experts using a special machine. The record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.
  6. The Great Chicken Nugget Heist: In June, a group of thieves in the US stole a truckload of chicken nuggets from a restaurant. The thieves made off with over 1,000 nuggets, valued at around $10,000. The restaurant owner was left with a big hole in his menu and a lot of angry customers.
  7. The World's Largest Hula Hoop: In July, a woman in the US set a new record for the world's largest hula hoop. The hoop, which measured over 23 feet in diameter, was spun by the woman using a special technique. The record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.
  8. The Great Donut Heist: In August, a group of thieves in the US stole a truckload of donuts from a bakery. The thieves made off with over 1,000 donuts, valued at around $10,000. The bakery owner was left with a big hole in his inventory and a lot of angry customers.
  9. The World's Largest Pillow Fight: In September, a group of people in the US set a new record for the world's largest pillow fight. The fight, which involved over 1,000 people, was held at a festival and lasted for over an hour. The record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.
  10. The Great Pumpkin Heist: In October, a group of thieves in the US stole a truckload of pumpkins from a farm. The thieves made off with over 1,000 pumpkins, valued at around $10,000. The farm owner was left with a big hole in his inventory and a lot of angry customers.

These are just a few of the many funny news stories from 2019. I hope they brought a smile to your face!