Funny news png

Here are some funny news headlines in PNG format:

1. [Breaking News] Cat Found to be More Productive Than Most Humans

[Image: A cat sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee]

2. Local Man Spends 3 Hours Trying to Take Selfie with Dog, Still Can't Get It Right

[Image: A person holding a phone and trying to take a selfie with a dog in the background]

3. New Study Reveals That Procrastination is Actually a Form of Self-Care

[Image: A person lounging on the couch with a book and a snack]

4. Area Man Still Unable to Cook Ramen Noodles Without Burning Water

[Image: A person holding a burnt pot of ramen noodles]

5. Scientists Discover Cure for Monday Blues, But It's Only Effective on Tuesdays

[Image: A person looking sad on a Monday, then happy on a Tuesday]

6. Local Woman Spends 4 Hours Watching Cat Videos, Still Can't Get Enough

[Image: A person watching cat videos on a laptop]

7. New App Allows You to Order Pizza with Just Your Thoughts

[Image: A person thinking about pizza, with a pizza appearing in front of them]

8. Study Reveals That 90% of People Have No Idea What They're Doing with Their Lives

[Image: A person looking confused and lost]

9. Local Man Still Unable to Fold a fitted Sheet, Gives Up

[Image: A person holding a fitted sheet and looking frustrated]

10. New Trend: Wearing Pajamas to Work, Because Why Not?

[Image: A person wearing pajamas to work]

I hope these funny news headlines in PNG format bring a smile to your face!