Funny news jokes

Here are some funny news jokes:

  1. Why did the news anchor break up with his girlfriend? Because she was always changing the channel on him!
  2. What did the news reporter say when she got stuck in the elevator? "I'm reporting live from the top floor... of this elevator!"
  3. Why did the journalist quit his job? Because he was fed up with all the fake news!
  4. What do you call a news anchor who's always telling the truth? A rare breed!
  5. Why did the news team go to the zoo? To get a paws-itive story!
  6. What did the news anchor say when his cat walked across the desk? "And in other news, our feline friend has taken over the studio!"
  7. Why did the news reporter get kicked out of the bar? She was making too many "breaking news" announcements!
  8. What do you call a news anchor who's always late? A tardy broadcast!
  9. Why did the news team go to the gym? To get some "hard-hitting" exercise!
  10. What did the news anchor say when his dog started barking during the broadcast? "And that's a doggone good story!"
  11. Why did the journalist become a baker? Because he kneaded the dough!
  12. What do you call a news anchor who's always making mistakes? A "live" wire!
  13. Why did the news team go to the amusement park? To get a "thrill" of a story!
  14. What did the news anchor say when his computer crashed? "And that's a system failure... of epic proportions!"
  15. Why did the journalist quit his job to become a professional snail trainer? Because he wanted to take things slow!

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face!