Funny news in london

London, the city that never fails to surprise and entertain! Here are some funny news stories from London that'll put a smile on your face:

  1. London's most expensive street is... a road to nowhere: A £1.5 million house on a street in London's affluent Kensington neighborhood has been sold, despite the fact that the street is a dead-end with no access to the main road. Talk about a unique selling point! (Source: The Telegraph)
  2. London's 'worst' pub is actually a hidden gem: A pub in London's East End was voted the "worst" in the city, but a review by a local journalist revealed it to be a charming, family-run establishment with a loyal following. Who knew being "bad" could be so good? (Source: The Guardian)
  3. London's 'most Instagrammable' spot is a... bin: A bin in London's trendy Shoreditch neighborhood has become a social media sensation, with people flocking to take photos in front of it. Who knew a trash can could be so photogenic? (Source: The Metro)
  4. London's 'worst' traffic jam was caused by... a chicken: A chicken that wandered onto the M25 motorway caused a massive traffic jam, with drivers stuck in traffic for hours. Well, at least it's a fowl excuse for a delay! (Source: The Sun)
  5. London's 'most haunted' pub is actually just... really old: A pub in London's historic Covent Garden neighborhood has been voted the "most haunted" in the city, but experts say it's just because it's really, really old – not actually haunted at all. Still, it's a great excuse to grab a pint and pretend to be a ghost hunter! (Source: The Evening Standard)
  6. London's 'best' kebab shop is actually just... a joke: A kebab shop in London's Camden Market was voted the "best" in the city, but it turns out it's just a joke – the shop doesn't even exist! Well, at least they're good at making people laugh! (Source: The Independent)
  7. London's 'most expensive' parking ticket was... £17,000: A driver in London received a parking ticket for £17,000 after parking in a disabled bay without a permit. Ouch! That's one expensive parking mistake! (Source: The Daily Mail)

These funny news stories from London show that even in the midst of a bustling city, there's always room for a good laugh!