Funny news in kenya

Kenya! A country known for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and... hilarious news stories! Here are some funny news stories from Kenya that'll make you chuckle:

  1. The Great Maize Heist: In 2019, thieves stole a truckload of maize (corn) worth KES 1.5 million (approximately $15,000) from a farm in Nakuru. The police were left scratching their heads, wondering why anyone would steal so much corn. (Source: The Star)
  2. The Chicken that Ate the President's Car: In 2018, a chicken was caught pecking at the tires of President Uhuru Kenyatta's car in Nairobi. The chicken, named "Kuku," became an overnight sensation, with many Kenyans joking that it was the "most powerful chicken in the country." (Source: Daily Nation)
  3. The Mysterious Case of the Missing Socks: In 2017, a group of students at a university in Nairobi reported that their socks had gone missing. The police were called in to investigate, and it was discovered that the culprit was a mischievous monkey that had been sneaking into the dorms at night. (Source: The Standard)
  4. The Great Goat Escape: In 2019, a group of goats escaped from a farm in Kiambu County and caused chaos in the nearby town. The goats, estimated to be around 20 in number, were seen roaming the streets, causing traffic jams and knocking over trash cans. (Source: Nairobi News)
  5. The Bizarre Case of the Fake Doctor: In 2018, a man was arrested in Nairobi for impersonating a doctor. The fake doctor, who had no medical qualifications, was found to have been treating patients at a clinic in the city. (Source: The East African)
  6. The Monkey Business at the Airport: In 2019, a monkey was spotted at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, causing a commotion among passengers. The monkey, which was later identified as a capuchin, was said to have been smuggled into the country. (Source: Daily Nation)
  7. The Great Watermelon Heist: In 2018, thieves stole a truckload of watermelons worth KES 1 million (approximately $10,000) from a farm in Eldoret. The police were left wondering why anyone would steal so many watermelons. (Source: The Standard)

These funny news stories from Kenya are a reminder that even in the most unexpected places, humor can be found.