Funny news headlines for students

Here are some funny news headlines that students might enjoy:

  1. "New Study Reveals Most Students' Favorite Subject is 'Procrastination'"
  2. "Local Student Discovers Cure for Monday Morning Blues: Sleeping In"
  3. "University Introduces New Major: 'Professional Napping'"
  4. "Student's Essay on 'The Importance of Pizza' Garners A+ Grade"
  5. "Campus Coffee Shop Introduces 'Caffeine IV Drip' for Extra Boost"
  6. "New App Helps Students Track Their Netflix Binge-Watching Habits"
  7. "Student's 'I'm Not Lazy, I'm Just on Energy-Saving Mode' Excuse Goes Viral"
  8. "College Offers 'Major in Video Games' to Attract More Students"
  9. "Local Student's 'I'm Not Procrastinating, I'm Just Researching' Excuse Falls Flat"
  10. "University Introduces 'Snooze Button' as Official Campus Policy"
  11. "Student's 'I'm Not Hungover, I'm Just Allergic to Mornings' Excuse Raises Eyebrows"
  12. "New Study Reveals Most Students' Favorite Time of Day is 'Whenever the Coffee Kicks In'"
  13. "Campus Club Offers 'Extreme Napping' as a Sport"
  14. "Student's 'I'm Not a Morning Person, I'm a Night Owl' Excuse Gets Old"
  15. "University Introduces 'Flexible Scheduling' to Accommodate Students' Love of Sleep"
  16. "Local Student's 'I'm Not Bored, I'm Just on 'Pause' Mode' Excuse Falls Flat"
  17. "New App Helps Students Track Their Social Media Addiction"
  18. "Student's 'I'm Not a Slacker, I'm Just a 'Free Spirit'" Excuse Raises Eyebrows"
  19. "Campus Offers 'Mental Health Days' to Help Students Deal with Stress"
  20. "Local Student's 'I'm Not Procrastinating, I'm Just 'Prioritizing My Tasks'" Excuse Falls Flat"

These funny news headlines poke fun at the common struggles and quirks that students face, and are sure to bring a smile to their faces!