Funny news headlines for student's

Here are some funny news headlines that students might enjoy:

  1. "New Study Reveals Most Students' Favorite Subject is 'Procrastination'"
  2. "Campus Coffee Shop Introduces 'Caffeine-Induced Coma' Special"
  3. "University Introduces 'Nap Pods' to Help Students Catch Up on Sleep"
  4. "Local Student Discovers 'The Secret to Success' is Actually Just Eating Cereal for Dinner"
  5. "New App Helps Students 'Fake It Till They Make It' in Class"
  6. "Professor's 'Unconventional' Teaching Methods Include 'Playing Fortnite' and 'Ordering Pizza'"
  7. "Student's 'Creative' Excuse for Missing Class: 'I Was Chasing a Squirrel'"
  8. "Campus Food Truck Serves 'The World's Most Expensive Ramen Noodles'"
  9. "New Research Finds That 'Binge-Watching Netflix' is Actually a Form of 'Productive Learning'"
  10. "Student's 'Life-Changing' Discovery: 'You Can Use a Hair Dryer to Dry Your Hair'"
  11. "University Introduces 'Mental Health Days' to Help Students 'Take a Break from Reality'"
  12. "Local Student's 'Innovative' Solution to Writer's Block: 'Just Write Whatever Comes to Mind'"
  13. "Campus Event Features 'The World's Longest Nap' Competition"
  14. "New Study Reveals That 'Eating an Entire Pizza by Yourself' is Actually a Form of 'Self-Care'"
  15. "Student's 'Groundbreaking' Research: 'The Effects of Caffeine on the Human Brain' (Spoiler Alert: It's Bad)"

Remember, these headlines are meant to be humorous and not meant to be taken seriously!