Funny news around the world today

Here are some funny news stories from around the world today:

  1. Cat Cafe in Japan Offers "Cat Therapy": A cat cafe in Tokyo, Japan, has started offering "cat therapy" sessions where customers can pay to play with cats to reduce stress. The cafe claims that the therapy can help lower blood pressure and improve mental health. Who knew cats could be so therapeutic? (Source: CNN)
  2. Man in Australia Accidentally Superglues Shoes to Floor: A man in Australia got his shoes stuck to the floor after accidentally applying too much Superglue. He had to be cut free by firefighters, who used a blowtorch to melt the glue. Talk about a sticky situation! (Source: BBC)
  3. Dog in China Learns to Play Piano: A talented dog in China has learned to play the piano, and its owner is planning to release an album featuring the canine musician. The dog, named Xiao Xiao, has been playing for three years and can even play complex songs. Who knew dogs could be so musically inclined? (Source: The Guardian)
  4. Man in India Accidentally Orders 100 Pizzas: A man in India accidentally ordered 100 pizzas online, thinking he was ordering just one. He ended up with a mountain of pizzas and had to give most of them away to his neighbors. Talk about a pizza party! (Source: The Times of India)
  5. Woman in the US Finds $1 Million in Her Backyard: A woman in the US found $1 million in cash in her backyard while gardening. She had no idea where the money came from, but she's planning to use it to pay off her mortgage and travel the world. Who wouldn't want to find a million bucks in their backyard? (Source: ABC News)
  6. Man in the UK Accidentally Orders 10,000 Pencils: A man in the UK accidentally ordered 10,000 pencils online, thinking he was ordering just 10. He ended up with a huge pile of pencils and had to give most of them away to his friends and family. Talk about a pencil party! (Source: The Telegraph)
  7. Cat in Russia Gives Birth to 19 Kittens: A cat in Russia gave birth to 19 kittens, setting a new record for the most kittens born to a single cat. The cat, named Lyuba, is a domestic shorthair and is being cared for by a local animal shelter. Who knew cats could be so prolific? (Source: The Moscow Times)

These are just a few of the funny news stories from around the world today. I hope they brought a smile to your face!