Funny news 2017

2017 was a wild year for news! Here are some of the funniest and most bizarre stories that made headlines:

  1. The Great Sock Conspiracy: In January 2017, a mysterious phenomenon known as "Sockgate" swept the nation. People began reporting that their socks were disappearing in the wash, leaving them with mismatched and lone socks. Theories ranged from alien abduction to a government conspiracy to control our footwear.
  2. The Fidget Spinner Frenzy: Fidget spinners, those small, spinning toys, became a global phenomenon in 2017. Kids and adults alike went crazy for them, and they even became a staple in many classrooms. But, let's be real, they were also a major distraction.
  3. The Dog Who Became a Mayor: In November 2017, a 10-year-old Labrador Retriever named Duke was elected as the honorary mayor of a small town in Alabama. His campaign promises included "more belly rubs" and "more treats."
  4. The Mysterious Case of the Exploding Tacos: In June 2017, a Taco Bell in California experienced a series of mysterious explosions, causing damage to the restaurant and leaving customers shaken. The cause was never determined, but it was widely reported as the "Taco Bell Taco-nado."
  5. The Great Pizza Heist: In August 2017, a group of thieves in Italy stole a 2,000-pound pizza from a restaurant in Rome. The pizza, valued at over $10,000, was never recovered, leaving the city in a state of pizza-less panic.
  6. The Cat Who Learned to Play the Piano: In September 2017, a cat named Nora became an internet sensation after her owner posted videos of her playing the piano. Nora's skills were impressive, but we're pretty sure she was just paw-sing for attention.
  7. The World's Largest Ball of Twine: In July 2017, a man in Kansas set a new Guinness World Record by creating the world's largest ball of twine. It weighed over 17,000 pounds and was over 40 feet in diameter. Because, priorities.
  8. The Mysterious Case of the Haunted Toaster: In October 2017, a family in the UK reported that their toaster was haunted by the ghost of a former owner. The toaster would allegedly toast bread on its own, and the family even captured evidence of the paranormal activity on camera.
  9. The World's Largest Water Slide: In August 2017, a water park in Wisconsin opened the world's largest water slide, which was over 1,000 feet long and featured a 10-story drop. Because, who doesn't love a good water slide?
  10. The Cat Who Became a Social Media Influencer: In 2017, a cat named Lil Bub became a social media sensation, with over 3 million followers on Instagram. She's known for her adorable face, quirky personality, and ability to make us all forget about our responsibilities.

These are just a few of the many funny and bizarre news stories from 2017. It was a wild year, folks!