Funny new year's resolutions

Here are some humorous New Year's resolutions:

  1. Eat an entire pizza by myself every week: Because adulting is hard, and pizza is easy.
  2. Learn to cook only by watching YouTube tutorials: Who needs actual cooking skills when you have the internet?
  3. Take a 10-minute power nap every hour: Because productivity is overrated, and sleep is life.
  4. Start a collection of novelty socks: Because who doesn't need more weird socks in their life?
  5. Watch an entire season of my favorite TV show in one sitting: Because binge-watching is a valid form of self-care.
  6. Practice yoga only while lying in bed: Because downward-facing dog is hard, and my bed is comfy.
  7. Learn to play the harmonica with my feet: Because why not? It's a skill, right?
  8. Start a journal to write down all the things I'm grateful for... and also all the things I'm complaining about: Because gratitude is important, but so is venting.
  9. Take a daily selfie to document my questionable life choices: Because, let's be real, we're all making questionable life choices, and a selfie is the perfect way to commemorate them.
  10. Learn to make a decent cup of coffee using only a toaster and a microwave: Because who needs a coffee maker when you have a toaster and a microwave?
  11. Start a book club with my cat: Because my cat is a great listener, and I'm pretty sure they understand the plot of "The Great Gatsby".
  12. Take a vow of silence for at least 30 minutes a day: Because sometimes the best way to communicate is to not communicate at all.
  13. Learn to play the kazoo with my nose: Because why not? It's a skill, right?
  14. Start a collection of weird and obscure facts: Because who doesn't love learning random trivia?
  15. Practice my "blue steel" pose in the mirror every morning: Because confidence is key, and so is a good pose.

Remember, these are just for fun, and you should probably make some actual, serious resolutions too. But hey, who knows, maybe one of these will become your new favorite hobby!