Funny new home quotes

The joys of moving into a new home! Here are some funny new home quotes to help you laugh and cope with the chaos:

  1. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right. And also, I'm tired and hungry, and I just want to sit on the couch."
  2. "Home is where the Wi-Fi is strong and the snacks are plentiful."
  3. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy for unpacking."
  4. "This is my happy place... where I can finally put my feet up and not trip over anything."
  5. "I'm not arguing with the movers, I'm just passionately expressing my disappointment."
  6. "Home sweet home... where I can finally take a shower without having to worry about running out of hot water."
  7. "I'm not a hoarder, I'm just a collector of memories... and also, I really like stuff."
  8. "This is my new favorite spot... where I can sit and stare at the wall for hours, contemplating the meaning of life."
  9. "I'm not a slob, I'm just a creative genius who works best in a cluttered environment."
  10. "Home is where the heart is... and also, where the Netflix password is."
  11. "I'm not arguing with my partner, I'm just passionately expressing my opinion... while also secretly hoping they'll do the dishes."
  12. "This is my new favorite room... where I can finally have a beer and not worry about spilling it on the carpet."
  13. "I'm not a control freak, I'm just a perfectionist who likes to have everything just so... and also, I'm a little bit OCD."
  14. "Home is where the dog is... and also, where the dog hair is."
  15. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode... until the coffee kicks in, that is."

I hope these funny new home quotes bring a smile to your face and help you navigate the ups and downs of moving into a new home!