Funny moments in south african parliament viral video

You're referring to the infamous "South African Parliament brawl" video that went viral in 2020!

For those who may not know, the video shows a chaotic scene in the South African Parliament, where opposition party members, including the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the Democratic Alliance (DA), clashed with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) members. The incident occurred during a debate on the budget vote for the Ministry of Public Enterprises.

Here are some of the funniest moments from the viral video:

  1. EFF's Julius Malema's dramatic entrance: Malema, the EFF leader, bursts into the chamber, shouting and waving his arms, as if he's about to take on the entire ANC. His over-the-top entrance has become a meme.
  2. ANC's Chief Whip's "I'm not a thug" declaration: ANC Chief Whip, Pemmy Majodina, stands up and declares, "I'm not a thug!" while pointing at EFF members. Her statement has been mocked for its absurdity.
  3. DA's John Steenhuisen's "calm down" plea: DA leader John Steenhuisen tries to intervene, saying, "Calm down, guys!" while being ignored by the chaos around him. His calm demeanor has been praised, while the chaos has been ridiculed.
  4. EFF's Floyd Shivambu's "I'm not a bully" claim: EFF MP Floyd Shivambu claims he's not a bully, while being accused of bullying ANC members. His statement has been mocked for its hypocrisy.
  5. The "fisticuffs": At one point, a physical altercation breaks out between EFF and ANC members, with punches being thrown and chairs being knocked over. The scene has been dubbed "fisticuffs" and has been widely shared on social media.
  6. The "who's the real thug?" chant: EFF members start chanting, "Who's the real thug?" while pointing at ANC members, which has been mocked for its absurdity.
  7. The "security guards": The video shows security guards struggling to maintain order, with some of them getting caught up in the chaos. Their reactions have been widely shared and ridiculed.

The video has been viewed millions of times, and its humor has been attributed to the absurdity of the situation, the over-the-top reactions of the politicians, and the sheer chaos of the scene.