Funny diana bbnaija season 7 diary session

I've got some funny moments from Diana's diary sessions in Big Brother Naija Season 7! Here are a few:

  1. The "I'm a queen" moment: Diana said, "I'm a queen, and I don't take orders from anyone. I'm here to rule this house, and I'm not going to let anyone bring me down." (laughs) Queen Diana, indeed!

  2. The "I'm not a morning person" confession: Diana shared, "I'm not a morning person, and I hate waking up early. I'm a night owl, and I do my best work at night." (laughs) Who can relate?

  3. The "I'm a drama queen" admission: Diana confessed, "I'm a drama queen, and I love being the center of attention. I'm a performer, and I thrive on drama." (laughs) Well, we've seen that in action!

  4. The "I'm a hopeless romantic" declaration: Diana said, "I'm a hopeless romantic, and I believe in fairytales. I want to find my Prince Charming in this house." (laughs) Aw, Diana, you're so sweet!

  5. The "I'm a strong woman" statement: Diana declared, "I'm a strong woman, and I won't let anyone bring me down. I'm a warrior, and I'll fight for what I want." (laughs) Go, Diana, go!

These are just a few funny moments from Diana's diary sessions. She's definitely brought some humor and entertainment to the Big Brother Naija house!