Funny breaking news today

I've got some "breaking news" that's sure to bring a smile to your face! Here are some funny headlines from around the web:

  1. BREAKING: Cat Found to be Secretly Running the World - Feline overlords rejoice! (Source: The Onion)
  2. Local Man Spends 3 Hours Trying to Take Selfie with Cat - Priorities, people! (Source: BuzzFeed)
  3. BREAKING: New Study Reveals Most People Can't Tell the Difference Between a Real and Fake Smile - So, is that a genuine smile or just a cleverly crafted fake one? (Source: The Daily Mail)
  4. BREAKING: Man Accidentally Orders 100 Pounds of Avocado Toast - Who needs a social life when you can have avocado toast? (Source: The Independent)
  5. BREAKING: Scientists Discover Cure for Monday Blues - It's called "Friday"! (Source: The Daily Mash)
  6. BREAKING: New Species of Squirrel Discovered, Immediately Steals All the Acorns - Squirrely thieves on the loose! (Source: The A.V. Club)
  7. BREAKING: Man Spends 5 Hours Playing Video Games, Still Can't Beat Level 1 - Priorities, people! (Source: The Daily Dot)
  8. BREAKING: New Study Reveals Most People Can't Tell the Difference Between a Real and Fake News Article - Fake news, real problems! (Source: The Washington Post)
  9. BREAKING: Local Woman Spends 3 Hours Trying to Get Cat to Take a Selfie with Her - Feline photobombs, anyone? (Source: BuzzFeed)
  10. BREAKING: Man Accidentally Orders 100 Pounds of Pizza, Still Can't Eat It All - Pizza party, anyone? (Source: The Daily Mail)

Stay informed, stay entertained, and remember: these are just "breaking news" jokes!