Funny animal news 2019

Here are some funny animal news stories from 2019:

  1. Penguin Steals Camera, Takes Selfie: A curious penguin at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio, USA, snatched a camera from a visitor and took a selfie. The penguin, named Rocky, even gave a thumbs up in the photo! (Source: CNN)
  2. Dogs Learn to Surf: A group of dogs in California, USA, learned to surf with the help of their owners. The pups caught waves and rode them like pros, making for some hilarious and adorable videos. (Source: Good Morning America)
  3. Cat Becomes Mayor of a Small Town: In Siler City, North Carolina, USA, a cat named Mayor Whiskers was elected as the honorary mayor of the town. The feline mayor even had her own office and staff. (Source: The New York Times)
  4. Elephant Paints Masterpiece: An elephant at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand created a stunning painting that sold for $25,000 at an auction. The elephant, named Boon, used her trunk to paint the artwork. (Source: BBC News)
  5. Piggy Bank Pig Learns to Count Money: A pig named Percy at the Farm Sanctuary in New York, USA, learned to count money and even helped with fundraising efforts. Percy's math skills were impressive, and he became a social media sensation. (Source: People Magazine)
  6. Seal Steals Fish from Fisherman: A seal in Scotland, UK, was caught on camera stealing a fish from a fisherman's net. The seal, named Finley, even gave the fisherman a cheeky grin before swimming away with his prize. (Source: The Guardian)
  7. Dogs Learn to Play Dead: A group of dogs in Japan learned to play dead on command, making for some hilarious and impressive tricks. The dogs even won a prize at a dog show for their unique talent. (Source: Japan Today)
  8. Cat Saves Owner from Fire: In California, USA, a cat named Max woke up his owner in the middle of the night by pouncing on his chest, alerting him to a fire in the kitchen. The owner credited Max with saving his life. (Source: ABC News)
  9. Penguins Get Stuck in Ice: A group of penguins in Antarctica got stuck in the ice after a sudden cold snap. The penguins were rescued by a team of scientists, who carefully freed them from the icy grip. (Source: National Geographic)
  10. Dog Becomes Therapy Dog: A dog named Luna in the UK became a therapy dog and visited hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to spread joy and comfort. Luna's tail-wagging and snuggles brought smiles to everyone she met. (Source: The Telegraph)

These funny animal news stories from 2019 are sure to bring a smile to your face!