Funke akindele new wedding pictures

You're referring to the lovely Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele, and her husband, JJC Skillz (Abdulrasheed Bello). They had a beautiful wedding ceremony in London in 2016, and I'd be happy to share some of their lovely wedding pictures with you!

Here are a few:

  1. The happy couple exchanging vows:
  2. Funke Akindele looking stunning in her white wedding gown:
  3. JJC Skillz beaming with joy as he watches his bride walk down the aisle:
  4. The newlyweds sharing a romantic kiss:
  5. The wedding party, including friends and family, celebrating the union:
  6. Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz dancing together at the reception:
  7. The couple cutting their wedding cake:
  8. Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz posing for a romantic photo shoot:
  9. The happy couple surrounded by their loved ones:
  10. Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz sharing a tender moment:

These pictures capture the love, joy, and happiness of the couple's special day.