Fundamental news for entry and exit forex

Here are some fundamental news that can impact the Forex market and influence entry and exit decisions:

Economic Indicators:

  1. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): Released quarterly, GDP measures a country's economic growth. Strong GDP growth can boost a currency, while weak growth can lead to depreciation.
  2. Inflation Rate: Released monthly, inflation rate measures the rate of price changes in a country. High inflation can lead to currency depreciation, while low inflation can lead to appreciation.
  3. Unemployment Rate: Released monthly, unemployment rate measures the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed. Low unemployment rates can boost a currency, while high rates can lead to depreciation.
  4. Interest Rates: Released by central banks, interest rates influence borrowing costs and can impact currency values. Higher interest rates can attract foreign investors, boosting a currency, while lower rates can lead to depreciation.
  5. Retail Sales: Released monthly, retail sales measure consumer spending. Strong retail sales can boost a currency, while weak sales can lead to depreciation.
  6. Industrial Production: Released monthly, industrial production measures the output of factories and mines. Strong production can boost a currency, while weak production can lead to depreciation.
  7. Consumer Price Index (CPI): Released monthly, CPI measures the rate of price changes for a basket of goods and services. High CPI can lead to currency depreciation, while low CPI can lead to appreciation.

Central Bank Decisions:

  1. Monetary Policy Decisions: Central banks set interest rates and implement monetary policies to control inflation and economic growth. Changes in monetary policy can impact currency values.
  2. Quantitative Easing (QE): Central banks inject liquidity into the economy by buying government bonds. QE can boost a currency, while its reversal can lead to depreciation.
  3. Forward Guidance: Central banks provide guidance on future interest rate decisions. Changes in forward guidance can impact currency values.

Geopolitical News:

  1. Trade Agreements: Trade agreements and tariffs can impact global trade and currency values.
  2. Economic Sanctions: Sanctions imposed on countries can impact trade and currency values.
  3. Political Unrest: Political unrest, such as protests or coups, can impact currency values and global markets.
  4. Natural Disasters: Natural disasters can impact economic activity and currency values.

Company-Specific News:

  1. Earnings Reports: Company earnings reports can impact stock prices and currency values.
  2. Mergers and Acquisitions: Large mergers and acquisitions can impact currency values and global markets.
  3. CEO Resignations: CEO resignations can impact company stock prices and currency values.

Other News:

  1. Oil Prices: Changes in oil prices can impact currency values, as oil is a major commodity.
  2. Commodity Prices: Changes in commodity prices, such as gold or copper, can impact currency values.
  3. Currency Wars: Currency wars, where countries engage in competitive devaluations, can impact global currency values.

When trading Forex, it's essential to stay informed about these fundamental news events and how they may impact the market. This can help you make more informed entry and exit decisions.