Full meaning of cbn news

CBN News is a Christian news organization that provides news and information to a global audience. The full meaning of CBN News is:

C - Christian B - Broadcasting N - Network News - News organization

CBN News is a division of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), a non-profit organization that was founded in 1961 by Pat Robertson. CBN News is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and has a global reach through its website, social media, and television broadcasts.

CBN News provides news coverage on a wide range of topics, including politics, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle, from a Christian perspective. The organization's mission is to "report the news with a Christian worldview, providing a unique perspective on the issues that affect our world."

Some of the key areas of focus for CBN News include:

CBN News is available on a variety of platforms, including:

Overall, CBN News is a trusted source of news and information for Christians and others who are interested in news from a Christian perspective.