Fuel scarcity stop panic buying nnpc urges nigerians

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NNPC Urges Nigerians to Stop Panic Buying as Fuel Scarcity Persists

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has appealed to Nigerians to stop panic buying of fuel as the ongoing fuel scarcity continues to affect the country. In a statement, the NNPC said that the corporation is working tirelessly to restore fuel supply to all parts of the country, and urged citizens to exercise patience and restraint.

The NNPC attributed the fuel scarcity to a combination of factors, including pipeline vandalism, theft, and distribution challenges. The corporation assured that it is working with relevant stakeholders to address these issues and ensure a steady supply of fuel to the market.

"We understand the inconvenience caused by the fuel scarcity, and we are doing everything possible to restore normalcy to the fuel market," said the NNPC in a statement. "We urge Nigerians to stop panic buying and to avoid hoarding fuel, as this can exacerbate the situation and lead to further shortages."

The NNPC also appealed to motorists and other fuel consumers to report any cases of fuel scarcity or distribution challenges to the corporation's customer care center, adding that the corporation is committed to providing a reliable and efficient fuel supply system.

In the meantime, the NNPC has announced that it is working to increase fuel supply to the market, and has assured that the situation will return to normal soon. The corporation has also called on Nigerians to cooperate with its efforts to address the fuel scarcity and to support the government's efforts to improve the country's energy sector.

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