Fudma 2019 latest news

FUDMA (Federal University, Dutsin-Ma) is a federal university located in Katsina State, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about FUDMA as of 2019:

  1. New Vice-Chancellor Appointed: In August 2019, Professor Fatima Binta Batagarawa was appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of FUDMA, succeeding Professor Haruna Wakili.
  2. Infrastructure Development: The university has been undergoing infrastructure development, including the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and a library.
  3. Academic Programmes: FUDMA has introduced new academic programmes, including a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, and a Master of Science in Environmental Management.
  4. Research Grants: The university has received research grants from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) to support research in areas such as agriculture, health, and education.
  5. Staff Development: FUDMA has been investing in staff development, with training programs for lecturers and other staff members to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  6. Student Union Election: In October 2019, the Student Union Government (SUG) election was held at the university, with a new set of executives elected to serve for the 2019/2020 academic session.
  7. Alumni Association: The FUDMA Alumni Association has been re-established, with the aim of promoting unity and cooperation among alumni, as well as providing support to the university.
  8. Community Engagement: The university has been engaging with the local community through outreach programs, including health outreach, environmental sanitation, and educational support.
  9. Ranking: FUDMA has been ranked among the top 10 universities in Nigeria by the National Universities Commission (NUC) in its 2019 ranking.
  10. International Collaboration: The university has been collaborating with international institutions, including the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, and the University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, on research and academic programs.

These are some of the latest news and updates about FUDMA as of 2019. If you're looking for more specific information or updates, I recommend checking the university's official website or social media channels.