Ft news briefing podcast

Here's a sample news briefing podcast script:

Title: "FT News Briefing"

Intro Music: (Upbeat and energetic music plays for 5 seconds)

Host: "Good morning, and welcome to the FT News Briefing. I'm your host, [Name]. We're bringing you the top business and financial news from around the world, in just 10 minutes. Let's get started."

Segment 1: Top Stories

Segment 2: Business News

Segment 3: Markets

Segment 4: Analysis

Segment 5: Quick Takes

Outro Music: (Upbeat and energetic music plays for 5 seconds)

Host: "That's all for today's FT News Briefing. Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more, be sure to subscribe to our podcast and follow us on social media. We'll be back tomorrow with another briefing. Goodbye for now."

Outro: (Music fades out)

This script is just a sample, but you can customize it to fit your specific needs and style. Remember to keep your segments concise and focused, and to provide analysis and context to help listeners understand the news. Good luck with your podcast!