Frsc wants outright ban on commercial motorcycles in fct 2

It appears that the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Administration is considering a proposal to ban commercial motorcycles, also known as okada, in the territory.

According to reports, the FCT Minister, Muhammad Bello, has directed the FCT Security Committee to consider the proposal and make recommendations to the administration.

The decision to ban commercial motorcycles is reportedly aimed at reducing crime and improving security in the territory. The FCT Administration has been concerned about the increasing number of crimes, including armed robbery, kidnapping, and other violent crimes, which have been linked to commercial motorcycles.

The ban is also seen as a way to reduce traffic congestion and improve the overall safety of the roads in the FCT. Commercial motorcycles have been a major contributor to traffic congestion in the territory, and their ban is expected to reduce the number of vehicles on the road and improve the flow of traffic.

However, the proposed ban has also raised concerns among some residents and commercial motorcycle operators, who argue that it will lead to job losses and economic hardship. They have called on the FCT Administration to consider alternative solutions, such as regulating the operations of commercial motorcycles and providing alternative transportation options for residents.

It remains to be seen whether the FCT Administration will ultimately decide to ban commercial motorcycles in the territory. However, the proposal has sparked a lively debate about the role of commercial motorcycles in the FCT and the need to balance the need for security and safety with the need to support economic activity and provide transportation options for residents.