Frsc wants outright ban on commercial motorcycles in fct

It appears that the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Administration is considering a proposal to ban commercial motorcycles, also known as okada, in the territory.

According to reports, the FCT Minister, Muhammad Bello, has directed the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) to submit a memo to the Federal Executive Council (FEC) seeking approval for the outright ban on commercial motorcycles in the FCT.

The decision is reportedly aimed at reducing the high rate of accidents and crimes associated with commercial motorcycles in the territory. The FCT Minister has also expressed concerns about the environmental impact of the motorcycles, citing the noise pollution and air pollution they generate.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time that the FCT Administration has considered a ban on commercial motorcycles. In 2019, the administration had proposed a ban on okada in the territory, but the plan was met with resistance from okada riders and other stakeholders.

If the ban is approved, it could have significant implications for the thousands of people who rely on commercial motorcycles for their livelihood. The FCT Administration would need to put in place alternative transportation options and support systems to help okada riders transition to other forms of employment.

What are your thoughts on this proposal? Do you think a ban on commercial motorcycles in the FCT is necessary, or are there other solutions that could be explored to address the concerns around safety and environmental impact?