Frsc to ban roadside parking in fct 2

Here is a draft of a press release from the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Administration announcing the ban on roadside parking in the FCT:


FCT Administration to Ban Roadside Parking in the Federal Capital Territory

Abuja, Nigeria - The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Administration has announced a ban on roadside parking in the FCT, effective [Date of implementation].

The decision to ban roadside parking is aimed at reducing traffic congestion, improving road safety, and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the city. The ban is also expected to reduce the risk of accidents and damage to vehicles caused by reckless parking.

The FCT Administration has identified several areas where roadside parking is most prevalent, including major highways, intersections, and busy commercial districts. These areas will be designated as "no-parking zones" and will be strictly enforced by the FCT Traffic Management Agency (TRAFFIC).

Motorists are advised to use designated parking lots and garages, which will be provided by the FCT Administration in collaboration with private sector partners. These parking facilities will be equipped with modern security features, including CCTV cameras, to ensure the safety of vehicles and their occupants.

The FCT Administration has also announced plans to introduce a new parking management system, which will allow motorists to pay for parking using electronic payment platforms. This system will help to reduce congestion and improve the overall parking experience in the FCT.

"We are committed to making the FCT a safe and attractive place to live, work, and visit," said [Name of FCT Minister or Administrator]. "The ban on roadside parking is an important step towards achieving this goal, and we urge all motorists to comply with the new regulations."

The FCT Administration has also announced plans to provide alternative parking options for residents and visitors, including designated parking areas for people with disabilities and for commercial vehicles.

The ban on roadside parking is expected to take effect on [Date of implementation], and motorists are advised to plan their parking arrangements accordingly.

For more information, please contact the FCT Traffic Management Agency (TRAFFIC) at [Phone number] or [Email address].


Note: This is just a draft, and you may need to modify it to fit your specific needs and requirements.