Frsc recruitment latest news

Here are the latest news and updates on the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) recruitment:

Latest News:

  1. FRSC Recruitment 2023: The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has announced the commencement of its 2023 recruitment exercise. The recruitment is open to all qualified Nigerians who are interested in joining the FRSC as officers.
  2. Application Portal: The FRSC recruitment application portal is now open and can be accessed through the FRSC website:
  3. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the FRSC recruitment, applicants must meet the following criteria:
    • Be a Nigerian citizen
    • Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years
    • Possess a minimum of a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university
    • Have a valid National Identity Card (NIN)
    • Be physically and mentally fit
  4. Available Positions: The FRSC is recruiting for the following positions:
    • Marshal Inspectorate Cadre
    • Road Marshal Assistant Cadre
    • Assistant Route Commander Cadre
    • Route Commander Cadre
    • Deputy Corps Commander Cadre
    • Corps Commander Cadre
  5. Application Deadline: The application deadline for the FRSC recruitment is [insert date]. Late applications will not be accepted.
  6. Examination Date: The date for the FRSC recruitment examination has not been announced yet. Applicants will be notified through their email addresses and phone numbers.

Tips for Successful Application:

  1. Carefully read the eligibility criteria: Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying.
  2. Fill the application form correctly: Ensure you fill the application form correctly and provide accurate information.
  3. Attach required documents: Ensure you attach all required documents, including your passport, academic certificates, and National Identity Card.
  4. Apply early: Apply early to avoid technical issues and to increase your chances of being selected.
  5. Stay informed: Stay informed about the recruitment process and any updates through the FRSC website and social media channels.

Important Links:

  1. FRSC Recruitment Portal:
  2. FRSC Recruitment Guidelines:
  3. FRSC Recruitment FAQs:

I hope this information is helpful. Good luck with your application!