Frsc latest news on shortlisted

FRSC (Federal Road Safety Corps) latest news on shortlisted candidates for various positions is not publicly available. However, I can guide you on how to check for updates on the FRSC recruitment process.

How to Check for FRSC Shortlisted Candidates:

  1. Visit the FRSC Official Website: Go to the Federal Road Safety Corps official website at
  2. Recruitment Portal: Click on the "Recruitment" tab and then select the position you applied for.
  3. Shortlisted Candidates: Look for the "Shortlisted Candidates" section or "Successful Candidates" list.
  4. Check Your Name: Search for your name in the list of shortlisted candidates.
  5. Verify Your Details: If your name is on the list, verify your details, including your name, email address, and phone number.

Important Notes:

Recent FRSC Recruitment Updates:

Please note that the information provided is subject to change, and candidates are advised to regularly check the FRSC website and social media platforms for updates on the recruitment process.