Frsc honeywell task motorists on safety

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FRSC and Honeywell Task Motorists on Safety

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and Honeywell have collaborated to emphasize the importance of road safety to motorists. In a joint effort to reduce the alarming rate of road accidents in the country, the two organizations have launched a campaign to educate motorists on the need to prioritize safety on the roads.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign, the Corps Marshal of the FRSC, Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi, emphasized the need for motorists to be more cautious and responsible on the roads. He noted that road accidents are a major cause of death and injury in the country, and that it is the responsibility of all road users to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Honeywell, a leading manufacturer of safety and security solutions, has partnered with the FRSC to provide training and equipment to help reduce the risk of road accidents. The company's products and services are designed to help motorists stay safe on the roads, and the partnership with the FRSC is part of its commitment to promoting road safety in Nigeria.

The campaign, which is titled "Safe Driving, Safe Life," aims to educate motorists on the importance of wearing seatbelts, avoiding reckless driving, and maintaining their vehicles properly. It also aims to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding, drunk driving, and other risky behaviors that can lead to accidents.

Motorists are being encouraged to take the following steps to ensure their safety on the roads:

The FRSC and Honeywell are urging all motorists to take road safety seriously and to take steps to protect themselves and others on the roads. By working together, we can reduce the number of road accidents and make our roads safer for everyone.