Frontier markets gcc news

Here are some recent news and updates on frontier markets and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region:

Frontier Markets:

  1. Kenya's economy grows 6.3% in 2022: Kenya's economy grew 6.3% in 2022, driven by a strong services sector and a rebound in agriculture, according to the country's statistics agency. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. Nigeria's inflation rate falls to 15.4%: Nigeria's inflation rate fell to 15.4% in January 2023, the lowest level in over two years, driven by a decline in food prices. (Source: Reuters)
  3. Uganda's economy grows 5.5% in 2022: Uganda's economy grew 5.5% in 2022, driven by a strong services sector and a rebound in agriculture, according to the country's statistics agency. (Source: Xinhua)

GCC Region:

  1. Saudi Arabia's non-oil sector grows 3.8% in 2022: Saudi Arabia's non-oil sector grew 3.8% in 2022, driven by a strong services sector and a rebound in construction, according to the country's statistics agency. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. UAE's economy grows 3.8% in 2022: The United Arab Emirates' economy grew 3.8% in 2022, driven by a strong services sector and a rebound in construction, according to the country's statistics agency. (Source: Reuters)
  3. Qatar's economy grows 4.6% in 2022: Qatar's economy grew 4.6% in 2022, driven by a strong services sector and a rebound in construction, according to the country's statistics agency. (Source: Xinhua)

GCC-Frontier Market News:

  1. Saudi Arabia and Kenya sign trade agreement: Saudi Arabia and Kenya signed a trade agreement aimed at increasing trade between the two countries, with a focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and services. (Source: Saudi Gazette)
  2. UAE and Nigeria sign trade agreement: The United Arab Emirates and Nigeria signed a trade agreement aimed at increasing trade between the two countries, with a focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and services. (Source: Nigerian Tribune)
  3. Qatar and Uganda sign trade agreement: Qatar and Uganda signed a trade agreement aimed at increasing trade between the two countries, with a focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and services. (Source: Uganda Today)

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates on frontier markets and the GCC region. If you're interested in learning more, I'd be happy to provide additional information or resources.