Frontend news

Here are some recent frontend news and updates:

1. WebAssembly (WASM) support in Chrome and Firefox

Google and Mozilla have announced support for WebAssembly (WASM) in their browsers. WASM is a binary instruction format that allows developers to compile languages like C and C++ to run in web browsers.

2. React 17.0.2 released

The React team has released version 17.0.2, which includes several bug fixes and improvements. This release also marks the end of support for Internet Explorer 11.

3. Vue.js 3.0 released

Vue.js has released version 3.0, which includes significant improvements to performance, rendering, and tooling. This release also introduces a new compiler and a revamped API.

4. CSS Grid and Flexbox improvements in Chrome

Chrome has improved support for CSS Grid and Flexbox, including better handling of grid gaps and flexbox wrapping.

5. Web Components 1.0 released

The Web Components specification has been finalized, and the first stable release of the Web Components polyfill is now available. This allows developers to use custom elements, shadow DOM, and templates in their web applications.

6. PWA support in Safari

Safari has added support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), allowing developers to create fast, secure, and engaging web experiences that can be installed on users' devices.

7. JavaScript performance improvements in Chrome

Chrome has made several performance improvements to JavaScript, including faster execution of async/await code and improved support for WebAssembly.

8. React Hooks API changes

The React team has announced changes to the React Hooks API, including the introduction of a new useCallback hook and improvements to the useState hook.

9. Vue.js 3.0.1 released

Vue.js has released version 3.0.1, which includes several bug fixes and improvements. This release also adds support for the new useAsync hook.

10. CSS variables support in Firefox

Firefox has added support for CSS variables, allowing developers to define custom properties and use them throughout their stylesheets.

These are just a few of the recent frontend news and updates. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the frontend world, I recommend following industry leaders and news sources on social media or subscribing to newsletters like CSS-Tricks or Smashing Magazine.