From right to left news

Here are some news articles from right-leaning sources:


  1. "Trump's Economy Booms as Jobless Rate Hits 50-Year Low" - The Daily Wire (February 2020)
  2. "Biden's Tax Plan Would Crush Small Businesses, Experts Warn" - National Review (March 2020)
  3. "The Left's War on Free Speech" - The Federalist (April 2020)


  1. "The Trump Economy: A Record-Breaking Boom" - The Wall Street Journal (January 2020)
  2. "Why the Left's Economic Policies Are a Recipe for Disaster" - Forbes (February 2020)
  3. "The Benefits of a Strong Dollar" - The National Interest (March 2020)

Foreign Policy

  1. "The Iran Deal: A Failure of Diplomacy" - The Weekly Standard (January 2020)
  2. "Why the Left's Foreign Policy Is a Threat to National Security" - The National Review (February 2020)
  3. "The Importance of a Strong Military" - The Federalist (March 2020)


  1. "The Left's War on Free Speech on Campus" - The Daily Wire (January 2020)
  2. "The Decline of Western Civilization" - The National Interest (February 2020)
  3. "The Importance of Traditional Values" - The Federalist (March 2020)

Please note that these articles are from right-leaning sources and may not reflect the views of all individuals or organizations. It's always important to consider multiple perspectives and sources when forming opinions on current events.