From new york to dallas

A road trip from the Big Apple to the Big D!

Here's a rough estimate of the driving distance and time from New York City to Dallas, Texas:

Distance: approximately 1,770 miles (2,850 km) Driving time: around 24-26 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take Route: The most common route is along Interstate 20 (I-20) West, which takes you through the southern states.

Here's a breakdown of the journey:

  1. New York City to Pittsburgh, PA (approx. 340 miles, 5 hours)
    • Take I-80 W from NYC to I-76 W, then continue on I-76 W to I-70 W, and finally take I-76 W to Pittsburgh, PA.
  2. Pittsburgh, PA to Columbus, OH (approx. 200 miles, 3.5 hours)
    • Take I-76 W from Pittsburgh to I-70 W, then continue on I-70 W to Columbus, OH.
  3. Columbus, OH to St. Louis, MO (approx. 340 miles, 5.5 hours)
    • Take I-70 W from Columbus to I-44 W, then continue on I-44 W to St. Louis, MO.
  4. St. Louis, MO to Dallas, TX (approx. 560 miles, 8 hours)
    • Take I-44 W from St. Louis to I-20 W, then continue on I-20 W to Dallas, TX.

Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific route, traffic conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way. Additionally, you should consider the time zone difference between New York (Eastern Time) and Dallas (Central Time), which is one hour.

Before embarking on your road trip, make sure to:

Safe travels from New York to Dallas!