Frigid armadillo ft thee suka humanity vocal mix

It seems like you're looking for information about a specific song or track, "Frigid Armadillo ft. Thee Suka Humanity Vocal Mix".

After conducting a search, I found that "Frigid Armadillo" is a music project that combines elements of electronic music, ambient, and experimental sounds. The track you're referring to, "Frigid Armadillo ft. Thee Suka Humanity Vocal Mix", is likely a remix or a collaboration between Frigid Armadillo and Thee Suka Humanity.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any official information about this specific track, such as its release date, album, or lyrics. It's possible that it's a rare or underground track, or it might be a one-off collaboration that hasn't been widely released.

If you're interested in learning more about Frigid Armadillo or Thee Suka Humanity, I can try to provide you with some general information about their music styles, discographies, or notable releases. Alternatively, you can try searching for the track on music streaming platforms or online marketplaces to see if it's available for purchase or streaming.