Fresh trouble for patience jonathan as efcc gets order to seize n7 4bn 8 4m linked to her

It seems like there's some fresh trouble brewing for Patience Jonathan, the wife of former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. According to reports, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has obtained an order to seize N7.4 billion and $8.4 million linked to her.

For those who may not be familiar, Patience Jonathan has been embroiled in several corruption scandals and investigations over the years. She has been accused of embezzling public funds and laundering money through various means.

The latest development suggests that the EFCC has obtained a court order to seize the aforementioned funds, which are believed to be proceeds of crime. The commission has been investigating Patience Jonathan and her associates for alleged money laundering and other financial crimes.

It's worth noting that Patience Jonathan has consistently denied any wrongdoing and has claimed that the allegations against her are politically motivated. However, the EFCC has presented evidence and testimony from witnesses that allegedly link her to the illegal activities.

The seizure of the funds is a significant development in the ongoing investigation and could potentially lead to further charges and legal action against Patience Jonathan. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold, but it's clear that the EFCC is determined to hold those responsible for corruption accountable.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think Patience Jonathan will be held accountable for her alleged actions?