Fresh fm yoruba news youtube

Here are some popular Yoruba news channels on YouTube:

  1. Fresh FM Ibadan - Official YouTube channel of Fresh FM, a popular radio station in Ibadan, Nigeria. They upload news, current affairs, and entertainment programs in Yoruba language.

Channel link:

  1. Yoruba News - A YouTube channel dedicated to providing news and current affairs in Yoruba language. They cover local and international news, politics, and entertainment.

Channel link:

  1. Naija FM - Another popular radio station in Nigeria, Naija FM also has a YouTube channel where they upload news, music, and entertainment programs in Yoruba language.

Channel link:

  1. Oriki FM - Oriki FM is a radio station based in Ibadan, Nigeria, and their YouTube channel features news, current affairs, and entertainment programs in Yoruba language.

Channel link:

  1. Yoruba TV - A YouTube channel that provides news, current affairs, and entertainment programs in Yoruba language. They also upload documentaries and educational content.

Channel link:

Please note that these channels may not be officially affiliated with each other, and their content may vary in terms of quality, accuracy, and bias. It's always a good idea to verify information from multiple sources before drawing conclusions.